Sunday, September 6, 2015

Be The Change


Since I have posted my blog on facebook there have been a few people who have questioned why I would put such private aspects of my life out there for everyone to see. I started this blog because there is a stigma attached to mental illness that shouldn't be there. It stays there because people are not educated about what it is like to live with a mental illness. All too often people only hear about it when someone is having an issue with it, not seeing all of the people who keep their mental illness in check every day of their life. People are afraid to reach out for help because of the way so many people still view things which just leads to things getting out of control, when if they had felt it was safe to ask for help, the out of control part could have been avoided. For many years I sat in silence. Afraid to speak up because I didn't want to be judged. But I wished that people would speak up so that maybe this stigma can go away. 

One day I realized that by me sitting in silence, I was only adding to the problem. Being ashamed and afraid to speak up only gave the people who were judging more power. So I decided to say something. If I wanted things to change I needed to make myself part of that change. I understand that not everyone feels comfortable sharing their story and that's okay. I have to say, sharing your story can be pretty wonderful though. Since I have started this blog I have talked with several people who shared their story with me or have thanked me for telling mine. It's a pretty great feeling. Sharing your story doesn't mean you need to make a blog and tell the world, that was just the way I chose to go. You can simply tell a close friend or someone in your family. Before I was so afraid of being judged, but it turns out I judge myself I a lot harsher than people judge me. I have had an incredible amount of support shown since I started sharing my story and when tricky times popped up, people were more than willing to help me get through them. Had I stayed silent, those bumps in the road probably would have been much more difficult to handle. 

I try to use this approach to life not only with speaking out about mental illnesses but in every aspect of my life. If I want there to be more good in the world, then I need to be out there doing it. If I want people to treat everyone with compassion, then I should be leading by example. This world will stay the same unless we go out and make it different. 

And besides....

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